Posting Policy

1. General

  • You must be at least 16 years of age to post offers.
  • You are responsible for compliance with any applicable laws concerning the offer being posted.
  • Offers that are in volation of policies will be removed from the site at any time.
  • User accounts which violate these policies may also be banned from using for an indefinite period of time.

2. Prohibited Activities

  • Posting an offer for an item that is not located in Canada or the United States.
  • Posting an offer for an item that is illegal to own, buy or sell in Canada or the United States.
  • Posting using multiple user accounts with different e-mail addresses or falsified information.
  • Posting duplicate offers.
  • Posting an offer that serves no other purpose other than to send traffic to a web site.
  • Posting an offer that contains keywords not related to the offer description.
  • Posting an offer in languages other than English and French.
  • Posting an offer that contains mature or erotic content.
  • Posting an offer that is libelous or defamatory.
  • Posting an offer with invalid or misleading information.